Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Season Finale

Season Finale is the sixth and last album by Hèctor and Tito.

I wanted to post about the wonderfulness that is Grey's Anatomy, and realised that I have already done so once, so I had to pick a new title, because I already used Gray's Anatomy once. Anyway, so it was the season finale of Season 5 of Grey's last week, and I finished watching it last night. It was amazing! And beware, anyone that reads further than this, cos there be spoilers. 

I guessed that Izzy was going to die, after she got her memory back, it was all a little too good to be true. As Anna has pointed out, she hasn't actually died, they didn't make it clear if she was going to survive, because she was flatlining at the end. But I think she is dead. As well as George. I can't believe that about George. I had no clue that it was him, except when it became obvious to Meredith, I suddenly realised that of course it was him. It was such a clever way to end it. And I love it that I had no idea that it was going to happen! 

I love it that I am able to get up to date with these U.S television shows and watch them almost as they air in the U.S. It reduces the chance of spoilers greatly, for which I am very grateful, because I hate it if I accidentally find out what is going to happen. The only other show that I am up to date with is Criminal Minds, and I am even lagging a bit behind with that - I have two episodes still to watch, and I think the season finale of that is this week. Then I can spend the summer watching Bones and NCIS and the CSIs and countless other things that are on my list. Not that my life revolves around television, of course! 

I am meant to be revising right now, I have my last exam tomorrow, and then I am free! 

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